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TrainingMaxine's Blog


By August 11, 2013No Comments

The Best of Both Worlds

With the brand new studio now open on Lindfield High Street, we are now gearing up for a busy week of training, because after all, that’s what we are here for!
We’ve got loads of bookings for Small Group Training, all of which will be starting this coming week and we can’t wait to start such an effective and fun way to train you guys. Starting exercise can be pretty scary, as most of you will know, irrelevant of what, where and when it is. So why not try and make it as enjoyable and pain free (apart from the aching muscles) as possible? Nothing could be a greater support than the benefits of having the attention from your Personal Trainer in such a small group, coupled with a few other people to share your journey and experiences with. Sessions are planned to accommodate the individual goals of each member, giving the benefits of personal training, whilst still creating the atmosphere and fun of group training.
When that plank is killing you and you want to give up, but there’s still 30 seconds on the timer, you know that you can turn and look at the other guys in your group and bond over how much you hate your trainer! It’s great to get a little healthy competition going and without realising clients will push themselves more so to not be “the worst” at an exercise, or even show a little support to their group members to get them to push themselves a little more. When you are struggling with any part of your health program or just have questions to ask, it’s nice to be able to gain the experience of others and share your own. The amount of times that we hear fantastic conversations about recipes, achey muscles or self motivation, between members at group sessions is countless. People are so quick to offer their help to somebody that is following the same path as them, straight away there is a mutual respect and understanding for that other person.
Training in that small group also helps motivate, it’s a lot more obvious when you are absent from a group of 3 in comparison to a class of 20. There is a much higher attendance rate for small group training, so you may be paying more for your sessions, but the difference is you are getting each and every one of them and making the best out of every minute that you train. If you are the type of person that has paid for a gym membership for the last year, and you’ve been once, then maybe this is what you need to motivate yourself off the sofa.
The types of equipment and training that we are using are the best available right now, Sandbells, Kettlebells, Suspension Training, ViPR, Primal Move and Boxing to name a few, and this is how we keep it fun! Personal favourite for myself right now has to be the Kettlebells (following my return from a fantastic workshop) and Primal Move. I feel stronger and love knowing that it’s being passed on to you guys. It’s also great for playing games, a few in particular this week have worked people harder than ever without them knowing too much about it until afterwards, because they are (believe it or not) having fun, enjoying exercise. Both of these forms of training are suited well to the small group environment as they require concentration and hard work, but when you perform them right are so rewarding and effective. Clients are getting the chance to try out far more complex moves (and we are getting to show off!) in a safe environment and see fast gains from this varied program.
So we have new members starting out in their programs, gaining fast results, meeting new people, reducing the cost of their one to one and god forbid enjoying their exercise sessions. JOB DONE.
Find Out More About Small Group Training

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