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At Potential PT we believe it is importamt to support our clients with the WHOLE package in order to create success in their fitness programmes, after all exercise alone only counts for 1/3 of your healthy lifestyle.
When people come to us they can immediate seem fearful of this prospect, I get that. I know that if someone tells me what to eat and wehn to eat it, I probably want to do the opposite It’s the whole ‘don’t press the red button’ theory. Others strive from clear and precise planning so that they know exactly what they are supposed to be doing. To be able to cater for all types of mindset our nutrition plans are devised in a way that allow our clients the ability to make their own meal selections, it would be crazy for us to think that everybody is going to want to eat everything that we ask them to.
Following a  nutrition plan is the best way to stay on track with your goals, if we set clear concise targets then we also need an avenue in order to pursue this. This combined with the use of a nutrition and exercise log will help you track your progress, monitor exactly what you are consuming every day, but also hold you accountable for your own actions. I find that the clients that are using their diaries and following the nutrition plan are the ones that succeed and consistently hit their targets.
Now to approach the side of this that I have seen happen many times in my business and also in life. An individual will come in for their 4 weekly body diagnostic consultation and they don’t achieve the results that they hope for, the reason? They didn’t follow the damn plan!!
We provide clients with a full understanding of the theories behind eating a healthy, balanced diet (but it’s not a diet, I hate that word), once you have read through this you can apply your knowledge to your cooking and meal preparation. Surprisingly though, many don’t take the time to do this, which means they are probably winging it slightly. Throughout the last 50 years we have bombarded by new research revelations, fad diets and horror stories of the effects  that certain foods can have on the body. Many of these theories have now been proven to be false as research progresses but we keep them with us. I see so many people that are applying a concoction of theories from various diets such as weight watchers, Atkins and Rosemary Conelly,  which results in a very confused body and client!
Common beliefs that skipping meals, eradicating fat and limiting yourself to 800n calories per day are untrue but sadly I see this every day. The thought of eating healthy snacks between meals, consuming  “good” fats and not calorie counting can seem foreign, but the question you need to ask yourself is, “If what I am doing is really correct, then why am I seeking the advice of a professional?”
They way I see it is that you have nothing to lose, if you seek the help of an expert then fully take advantage of the knowledge and tools that you are being provided with. Following a nutrition plan holds key benefiits for you that you may have never realised….
Benefits Of Following A Nutrition Plan:

  • You will consume less processed food with nasty hidden ingredients
  • Your shopping list will only consist of food that you will consume resulting in less waste.
  • Stress will be reduced as you will not have that awful “What the bloody hell am I going to cook for dinner tonight?” moment.
  • Planning your meals will save money and help you keep to a budget.
  • You can ensure variety in your meals.
  • You and your whole family will receive the benefits of eating a varied and healthy diet that tastes AMAZING!!
  • You can stay on track with your health and fitness goals and once and for all achieve the body you have always dreamed of.

In light of this blog and with summer nearing closer (by the way, it’s May next week), I am setting everybody a challenge; Follow the plan for 21 days, track what you eat, plan your meals and your shopping list. I guarantee you WILL see results, so what have you got to lose?

Contact Potential PT now to find out how we can provide you with a tailored nutrition and exercise plan that will rocket you to achieving the body you have always dreamed of. 01444 48412901444 484129 or Click Here to register for your FREE consultation

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