I’m going to start this blog by telling you all about a weekend trip that Maxine dragged me along to. To make sure we are constantly striving to give our clients the best services and keeping one step ahead of the game, Maxine regularly attends business workshops aimed specifically at improving your business and the service you provide your clients.
Maxine has been part of this organization for a long time and regularly returns from these trips absolutely buzzing with ideas that will improve our service. On her return we are all ready with our notepads and scribble notes at a ridiculous rate as Maxine reels off her plans.
So a few months back Maxine had another ‘Master Plan’, to bring me along to one of these events. She didn’t even ease me in, this was a huge event where Maxine was a Speaker and Team Leader, and there’s little ole me tagging along!
I’d be lying if I said that the thought didn’t terrify me. Going along to a new place filled with hundreds of successful fitness business owners, many of whom knew each other, and those who hadn’t met were aware of each other due to being a part of this network of incredibly driven business people…
The nerves I felt couldn’t have been more unnecessary. We arrived and within minutes I felt so welcome and accepted into this group of fitness professionals (maybe undeservedly so being the only person there that wasn’t a fitness professional).
It instantly made me think of two things… School and All of Potential PT’s amazing clients.
I remember that feeling you got in your stomach as a teenager on the first day of school… it seems like the most daunting prospect to enter this new place with new faces. Will people like me? Will I like them? Will we have things to talk about? Will I be the only one who doesn’t have a clue what’s going on…?
You’d like to think that these fears and concerns leave us with childhood…but in fact I felt exactly the same before the conference and my first ever group session at Potential Personal Training.
We all have the same questions running through our head when starting something new, especially a fitness programme…
- Will I be the biggest/smallest/oldest/most unfit?
- Are the people there going to be friendly and welcoming?
- How am I ever going to enjoy exercise?
- Am I so unfit that I will turn beetroot red/die?
I have had many a conversation with new clients in which they express these same feelings with me. The idea of mixing with a group of people who already know one another is scary enough, add into the mix the fact that you are beginning a new regime of fitness, which is daunting enough alone.
Fear of the unknown is the main thing holding people back…
It made me think how lucky we are as a company to have built such an amazing atmosphere, and we only have our clients to thank for that, every member is welcoming and warm to one another…
At Potential, we pride ourselves on being approachable, understanding and as far from threatening as possible. We’ve all been to gyms that are full of fitness fanatics, egos and less than welcoming ‘trainers’, that is not the vibe we go for!!!
I suppose as much of a blog this may be it is also a chance for me to say a massive thank you to all of Potential PT’s members for being so bloody fantastic! However many times I can say to a new client that they will fit right in and feel welcomed, have a laugh and enjoy the social aspect of their sessions… I don’t think they feel fully at ease. That is until they turn up on the common or to the studio and realise that we really are a team, however cheesy it sounds, we are all in this together.
Fear of groups, new people or new situations are so common, I am super proud to say that I work as part of a team that can eliminate these fears immediately so that we can all just crack on and achieve the results we want!!!
Remember Fear is an emotion we can fight through and conquer, regret is one that we can do nothing about!!
Don’t waste time!!
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