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Did you know Over the course of 18 years, the average mum spends….

  • 8,212 hours cooking (and washing up) for the family…
  • She spends 5,867 hours washing the family’s clothes
  • 11,038 hours cleaning and fixing things around the house
  • 15,834 hours taking care of the kids themselves…
  • A child needs a nappy change about 4,702 before he/she is toilet trained..

As parents we take on a HUGE responsibility for something so precious. Unfortunately that precious little bundle of joy is also bloody hard work!
Being a parent nowadays isn’t easy, in fact in many ways the roles have shifted so drastically within the household it is hard for both Mum AND Dad to keep their heads afloat.

  • Women now work a lot more
  • We still juggle the household, after school activities, shopping, cooking, paying bills….you get my drift
  • We have less time and more stress.
  • Many women bring their children up as single parents or in split parent families.
  • There is a far higher expectation of health & well-being due to developments in research and public education.
  • But we have less time.


And it’s not just the ladies!!

  • Men are now expected to help with childcare, work from home and in many cases take the role of the stay at home Dad.
  • Men help out with household chores, some cook and some do night feeds!
  • Men have less time and more stress.
  • Again, there is a far higher expectation of health & well-being due to developments in research and public education.
  • They also now have less time.

You then have this added lifetime commitment of total responsibility, sleepless nights and a constant doubt and worry that you are doing the right thing as a parent.
It’s also an unconditional love and happiness that cannot be compared. That’s why we do what we do.

At times it feels like a circus juggling act!!

It’s very easy to ignore your own needs when you have another human being (or 2) to take care of.
How often do you do something that you know you would NEVER let your children do?
You wouldn’t let your children sit on the sofa watching TV all day, you encourage them to “Go out and play like you used to when you were a kid”.
You wouldn’t let your children skip breakfast or have a coffee and a biscuit.
If your child was unhealthy or in pain you wouldn’t ignore it.
I have invested a lot of money in my son Joey’s well-being and happiness like most parents.
To name a few; Cranial Osteopathy, Homeopathy, Tae Kwon Do, Swimming Lessons, Football, Good Quality School Shoes, Private Dental Care.
I bet you have your own list!

So why don’t we invest time and money into our own health and happiness?

To relieve stress, have time away from the children, meet like-minded people, laugh, lose weight, get fitter and stronger, have confidence within yourself, have an abundance of energy and most importantly…to have a long and happy life watching your children grow up!!
We are the ones that are responsible for educating our children so that they grow up with a healthy attitude towards fitness and looking after their own well-being..
If you want your children to grow up with a positive attitude towards looking after their health then you need to start setting a better example through leadership.
Children will watch what you do and pick up on your patterns of behaviour.
If a child consistently observes their parents exercising regularly, eating well and being confident and happy within themselves that is going to rub off! It will just be normal.
If you can answer yes to any of these questions then put yourself first for once..for the sake of your children.

Are you a mum that is struggling to shift your baby weight and fear being labelled ‘The fat Mum’ in the playground?

Do you ignore warning signs from your body like fatigue, pain and other health issues?

Would you like to lose your baby weight and tone your mummy tummy?

Are you ridiculously busy so therefore believe you don’t have anytime for your own health?

Most importantly, does your current state of health prohibit you from taking part in activities with your children?

I’ve got a story for you that you will probably relate with…
I smile every time I look at this image because it is sooo true.
Kids grow up fast and with that they get fast!
Many of you will relate with this story, looking back you chuckle but at the time it is a nightmare.
I took my son Joey to a big superstore when he was about 2-3 years old. He had progress from the wobble to the waddle to walking and I was so proud of him.
I willed him to walk for so long and then as soon as he did I very quickly wished him to stay still for 1 minute!
Joey had just mastered the art of running (usually in the opposite direction to me), he wouldn’t do it on demand….only when he wasn’t supposed to.
I digress.
We walked into the store from the busy car park, through the sliding doors and straight into the fruit & Veg Section.
But When I turned around Joey was back at the door looking straight at me.
The next point is crucial, you have to very nicely and calmly try and coax them towards you because at any point they will BOLT!!
I think you can guess what happened. The little git grinned at me before sprinting out of the double doors towards the cars.
I let out a scream like an unhinged lunatic and ran as fast as I could to grab the back of his jumper before he ran out in front of an oncoming car.
If you imagine that scenario right now do you honestly know that you could outrun your child?
Or maybe you have been in that EXACT situation, maybe you had a close call that made you sit back and reassess your fitness levels and ability to keep up with your children.
If your baby isn’t walking yet then NOW is probably the time to start thinking about it.
Going swimming or taking your child to the park shouldn’t be activities that you dread nor should your children have to miss out on.
I see it all the time, Mums that through their own insecurity will avoid bearing all at the swimming pool. Dads who will opt out of playing rounders with their kids, because of his bad back and knees.
Just imagine being that Super parent that can run around with the kids, kick a ball around, bounce on the trampoline and walk into your local swimming pool with confidence.
Other parents will look on in admiration as you whizz about with tons of energy. They will envy what you have…because they are missing out.
And once you have experienced being able to share those moments with your children you will never EVER want to lose that. You find your motivation to maintain your results.
Your children are your motivation, your sole purpose in life.

I want you to have that time with your children AND your grandchildren, I want to help you create amazing memories for your family.
And most of all, I want you to be able to catch the little monster when they do a Usain Bolt!

And why should you trust me?

Because I have done it myself, I’ve overcome huge obstacles in my life and I know the struggle….better than anyone.

“In 2008 I was 21 years old and a single parent with a 12-week-old son; living off the state on benefits, unemployed and tipping the scales at nearly 17 stone.”

Maxine- Owner

I became everything that I had always vowed I wouldn’t be.
I’d lead a pretty wayward life up until that point, I was no role model put it that way.
And the scary part was that now I had this huge responsibility.
I didn’t realise it at the time but looking back my son was my saviour. I didn’t want him to grow up with a mum that was overweight, unhealthy, unemployed and unhappy.

I joined a gym and was lucky enough to meet a Personal Trainer who treated me as an individual and made me feel for the first time ever that I had full support and care.
The weight literally fell off me and within 10 months I had lost 6.5 stone.
A passion started to grow for my own health & fitness and this was where I knew that I wanted to spend my life empowering as many people as possible to lose weight and take control of their health for the first time ever
In July 2012 Potential PT was born and boy did we grow fast.
My clients were seeing dramatic results very quickly and soon people started to ask how they had achieved them, and the PPT word spread!
But then I found I had a new problem.
I am a single parent.
I run a business with 11 members of staff and more than 220 clients.
I have a house.
A partner.
Friends and family.
I have had to work extremely hard to continue to set a good example for my son, maintain my weight loss, run the business and give everyone around me a happy life.
As I said, I know what it’s like.
If I can turn my life around in such a dramatic way then I honestly believe that anyone can achieve great things!!

So here are my Top Tips to balancing being a fit and active parent WITHOUT it having a negative impact on your home life.


Tip #1

Start with 2 hours, that’s a realistic number and not something worthy of feeling guilty about. Once you have got used to setting aside the time for yourself regularly you can start to increase it if you need to.

Tip #2

Prepare your food at the same time as everyone else! If you make the kids a packed lunch or prepare dinner for the family then use that time to make something for yourself.

Tip #3

Treat yourself like you would your children. You wouldn’t let them go without breakfast or eat bad food all the time, so why would you do that to yourself?

Tip #4

Have 10 minutes per day to totally relax and switch off from everything, lock yourself in the toilet if you must. The headspace app is fantastic if you want to teach yourself how to meditate and relieve stress.

Tip #5

Create a default diary that you stick to. Plot out all of your daily, weekly and monthly tasks. Allocate space for your family, work and exercise!

Tip #6

Get up an hour earlier. You will be surprised how much more you will achieve in that 1 hour compared to the rest of the day. Get up, do some mediatation, write your to do list, exercise, prep meals…whatever you do just think about how far ahead with your day you will be.

Tip #7

If you are going to get up earlier then you will need to go to bed a little earlier! Try to get to bed before 10:30pm every night, switch off your phone and other technologies so there are zero distractions.

Tip #8

Do fun stuff. Exercise doesn’t have to be boring or unpleasant. There are so many things that you can do with the kids that are active and great fun! Bike rides, walks, swimming and outdoor activities are always a winner.

Tip #9

Teach your kids to do what you used to do! My dad taught me to climb trees and my mum taught me how to roller blade. My brother taught my son how to skateboard and my Dad loves to play football with him. We all had a passion once upon a time, pass that on!

Tip #10

Get a hobby. I stopped doing everything I loved after I had Joey. I realised after some time that I needed to get back some time for myself. Having a hobby is very important, it’s a form of relaxation and gives us time away. Plus if your hobby is an active one then it will help you to stay fit and healthy!

“REMEMBER: Being a parent is tough, we don’t get sick days, we don’t get to sleep that much, we constantly worry and doubt our own ability as a parent and NOTHING will ever prepare you for it!”

Once you can channel that strength and focus it on yourself a little more, being a busy mum can turn into your greatest weapon!
At the end of the day, if you can endure child birth then what are a few squats??!!
If you can somehow go to work for 9 hours on 2 hours sleep then what’s a 45 second plank?
Surely you can spare a few hours every week for yourself?
You know it won’t be easy. But it will be so worth it.
What I can offer you is a simple and easy to follow plan that gets you the results you deserve to achieve!
I am looking for 9 mums and 9 dads who are ready and willing to commit to our tailored programme that will help you to improve your lifestyle and therefore your health so that you can achieve body confidence and the ability to sprint after your kids!!
It doesn’t matter if you are the type of person who struggles to stick to something for more than a few weeks. My expert team and I specialise in supporting people who have tried many time before but have never managed to see anything through long enough to see significant results.
What if I suggested to you that the reason you have never achieved your goals is simply that you haven’t found the right plan for YOU yet?

So here is what I can offer to you;

* 3-5 workout sessions at our Private Studio with one of my dedicated expert coaches. These sessions will push you within your own limits and be tailored towards your individual goals.
*Full Nutritional Support, Planning and 100’s of delicious recipes that will stop cravings, reduce bloating and help you shift stubborn fat.
*Access to our exclusive members area that allows you to have 24 hour support at the click of a button plus the ability to manage your timetable, workout from home and download some awesome resources.
*A minimum of 2 hours with a dedicated coach to enroll you into our programme, discuss your goals, take your measurements and create a plan that works for you.
*4 Weekly coaching calls with either myself or our Head Coach Connor (depending on your goals), this is time dedicated to you when you are OUTSIDE of our studio and without the support of our community. The hardest time to stay on track and resist temptation is at home when nobody is watching.

*4 Weekly Regular results tracking and progress meetings to make sure you are staying on track and overcoming challenges (this is the bit that makes soooo much difference).
*A friendly and welcoming community of like-minded people with a strictly NO EGOS policy. Our only focus is results…and to have fun.
You can contact us right now and book a complimentary coaching and goal setting session at our studio TOTALLY FREE OF CHARGE.
In this 60 minute appointment we will dive straight into your personal goals and struggles, conduct a Body Diagnostic Asessment (to show you where you are right now) and provide you with actionable advice so that you can start improving your lifestyle immediately.
Not tomorrow, not next week, not in January….RIGHT NOW!!
Click the link below to apply for this potentially life-changing appointment or call the studio now on 01444 484129.

I have also included 2 incredible giveaways that are perfect for the busy parent that wants to find the time in their hectic life to improve their health.
This is a great first step…
Lose the first 5lbs


Download your free 7 day fat loss plan that will help you kickstart your health & fitness plan and lose the first 5lbs for free!!





I have put together 10 delicious fat burning meals that take only 10 minutes to prepare, perfect for a busy parent that grabs food when they can.
Now there is no excuse for poor nutrition due to lack of time.




Here is a £50 Potential PT note for you to spend on any of our programmes or services. I promise there is no catch!
I hope that this may be the kickstart you need to start putting aside time for yourself and looking after your health.
50 pounds front copy



I’m with you parents!!

I know exactly what it’s like, I understand your struggles and I am here to help you.
I want you to look back on your time with your children with no regrets. I want you to create happy memories with them and most of all, I want you to feel confident and happy within yourself so that you can set an amazing example to your children.
I am 100% here to help and to prove this I am willing to give you my time for free!
Thats why I am offering you my time for free…1 hour dedicated to you only, so that we can create a blueprint for your success together and build a programme that works for you personally.

“Leave all your stress, responsibilities and self-doubt at the door and enjoy dedicated time for you in a community that is fun, supportive and gets you the results you deserve.”

Call me now on 01444 484129 or click the link below and I will be in touch right away!


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